Being Known by God

In 2010, Marina Abramovic, an experiential artist who creates exhibits that challenge and engage the viewer, had an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art entitled “The Artist is Present.” In it she sat at a simple wooden table, across from which was an empty chair; the audience of this exhibit were invited to comeContinue reading “Being Known by God”

Darkness Will Not Overcome Us

Anytime I hear the words of John 1:1 read aloud, I am instantly taken back to the Sunday School classroom where a group of pre-teens were working on memorizing our weekly Bible verses. Like many perfectionist children, I loved being good at things, and John 1:1 was probably the one memory verses I got downContinue reading “Darkness Will Not Overcome Us”

Sacred Bonds

I am curious about practically everything I have ever learned. I love to know about the mundane pieces of our lives; it does not take much to amaze me when it comes to the intricacies of how anything in this world works: the water cycle, traffic patterns, Microsoft Excel – I love all of it,Continue reading “Sacred Bonds”

With Christ as King

One of the things I did while on sabbatical last year was to spend some time digging into my family’s genealogy. What I learned about myself through this family exploration is that very often, there are things deeply woven into our being that only take on language as we tell the story of where we’veContinue reading “With Christ as King”

Everybody up; let’s go!

Yesterday, after the business session of Diocesan Convention wrapped up, Father Steve, Deacon Kellie, and I were playfully arguing about the gospel parable that we hear read this morning. Parables tend to do this, they aren’t easy to understand and, honestly, they are meant to raise more questions than answers. Today’s parable certainly does this:Continue reading “Everybody up; let’s go!”